How Do You Remove Deep Scratches From a Car

How Do You Remove Deep Scratches From a Car

Driving safely is not flawless, and even the most cautious drivers occasionally experience scratches on their cars due to numerous reasons.

It can be equally bothersome and irritating to witness your vehicle displaying a large, unsightly scratch due to someone else’s clumsy driving, particularly if it recently received a fresh coat of paint or a wax finish.

How to repair a significant scratch on a vehicle

Luckily, you don’t have to accept expensive repair costs to fix a couple of significant damages. Using this article, you may discover how to repair significant scratches on your vehicle.

Keep in mind, although these methods are successful, significant or really deep scratches may necessitate professional assistance to fully fix. Nevertheless, following suggestions should fix most scratches. Now, we will discuss several techniques for repairing significant scratches on your vehicle.

Utilize a Scratch Repair Kit

If the scratches on your automobile are not too severe, you may be able to utilize a regular scratch repair kit to address the issue. These are practical options that can be bought from most automotive supply stores.

Scratch repair kits contain the necessary items for eliminating minor to fairly deep scratches, such as scratch removal polish and paste, touch-up paint, and buffers.

However, these kits may not be the most effective for repairing deep scratches, so evaluate the seriousness of the damage before buying a repair kit.

Tidy up the space surrounding the scratches

Begin by completely cleaning the vicinity of the marks on your car. Ordinary soap and water will suffice for this stage.

Cleaning the damage and the area around it will eliminate any lingering dirt or particles that could be inadvertently rubbed into the paint or polish.

Use Scratch Remover

Once you have finished cleaning the area completely, retrieve the scratch removal paste from the scratch repair kit and put a little amount onto a microfiber cloth or one of the buffing pads that were included in the kit.

Avoid applying the paste directly onto your scratches, as this may harm your paint.

Utilize the polishing cloth to eliminate the scratches

Afterward, use either the buffing pad or microfiber cloth to apply the scratch removal paste to the scratches.

The scratch removal polish will function by eliminating a tiny layer of your car’s clear coat (the layer of material on top of its primary paint) to make the surface of the scratch smooth and even.

Others may function by reducing the roughness of scratches. However, these methods should not have any negative impact on your paint.

Please proceed at your own pace and clean the scratches thoroughly. It can require a few minutes before you start noticing favorable outcomes.

Eliminate any additional shine

After polishing the scratches as much as you can, make sure to remove any remaining polish that can impact the color or clear coat of your car.

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Additional Techniques for Removing Scratches

If you require more choices for addressing a significant scratch, there are different techniques apart from a scratch repair kit that can assist in eliminating scratches.

If you have gouges that are far deeper than typical, you will need to use alternative materials. We suggest using a glazing putty, which can fill up the gouges and enable you to repaint the damaged surface of your car.

This is the most effective technique for fixing scratches when the exposed metal is visible beneath the scratched region.

Here’s how to go with the process.

Use a glazing putty

You can get glazing putty at most automotive repair shops or supply stores. To apply glazing putty, start by cleaning the scratch completely with rubbing alcohol.

This will eliminate any remaining wax and dirt from the scratch and its surrounding areas. Don’t forget to utilize a gentle and microfibre fabric to avoid causing harm to your paint.

Afterward, use your glazing putty to fill up the scratch. Instead of using a scratch removal paste, you should apply the putty directly onto the surface of your car. A small amount the size of a cent is usually enough for most scratch sizes.

Utilize a spreading instrument or squeegee to evenly distribute it within the indentation. The filler should occupy the damaged area and assist in returning it to its initial condition. Let the putty dry for two or three minutes, allowing it to become solid undisturbed.

Eliminate Extra Putty

In order to have an even surface, you need to eliminate any extra putty that is left. You can utilize a liquid paint leveler or a comparable solution to accomplish the task.

Use the liquid paint leveler and keep using it with a microfiber cloth until the scratch looks like a smooth, colored line with the surrounding area seeming clear. After finishing, you can paint over any scratches you have filled in, if you want to.

Cover Scratches with Paint

Regardless of the method you select to fix the scratches on your car, you will eventually have to apply paint to cover them.

This can be done frequently using simple touch-up paint, which is usually included in high-quality scratch removal kits. If you have larger or more noticeable scratches, it could be a good idea to get them repaired by a professional.

Repairing small scratches can be challenging when it comes to matching the color, therefore it is usually advisable to let professionals handle it when you have larger scratches that need to be blended with your current paint color.

Utilize a Small Brush to Fix Paint

If you decide to apply the touch-up paint on your own, be sure to use a paint brush with fine bristles to apply the paint. If a micro brush was not included in your touch-up package, you may get affordable ones at most auto parts stores.

Apply the touch-up paint using a brush with fine bristles, being gentle and cautious to cover the target area. Once completed, let it dry for around 8 to 12 hours. After the paint has dried, you can add a layer of wax to seal and safeguard it.


While it may involve some effort, repairing significant scratches on your automobile is a feasible task that doesn’t always necessitate the cost or skill of an auto body repair business. 

Nevertheless, make sure to take into account the depth of your scratch and whether a home repair is worth the time and work prior to purchasing any of these items.

A precise and truthful evaluation of the seriousness will save you a significant amount of time, money, and effort, regardless of the path you choose.


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