Triggers That Worsen Your Allergies

When you're outside, pollen can easily get on to your clothes. Then you carry all of the irritants home and spread them around.

Your Clothes 

Certain raw food, such as apples, tomatoes, and celery, contain a protein on the surface that the body can mistake for pollen. Oral allergy syndrome causes irritated throats and mouths.

Fruits And vegetables 

According to research, stress is detrimental for allergy sufferers. A study reveals that stress hormones boost mast cell synthesis, which is associated with allergic inflammation in the nose.


Products with additional fragrances might irritate the lining of the eyes and nasal passages.

Perfume And Scented Candles

During allergy season, avoid using contacts and instead grab for your glasses. This is because glasses can unintentionally trap pollen in your eyes, causing irritation.

Contact Lenses 

Alcohol, especially red wine, can exacerbate allergies. While all booze serves as a vasodilator, meaning it opens blood vessels, which can lead to a runny nose


With dozens of medicines to pick from, the allergy meds aisle at the drugstore might be daunting. The majority of them are then classified as either antihistamines, decongestants, or corticosteroids.

Incorrect Medication 

Pollen doesn't merely stick to your clothing. It also adheres to the skin and hair. So keep that in mind the next time you consider skipping a shower!

Skipping Showers